Urban life spans: which cities have the most bridges?
Numerous cities around the world are blessed with bridges—road bridges, footbridges, railway bridges, and viaducts. Some stand as truly striking in their design and architectural merit, while others are more simple in form and function. And, of course, there are many historic bridges noted for their rich, cultural heritage. All, though, serve a function, to ease the flow of motorized and pedestrian traffic. But where can you find the greatest number of these unique spans in a single urban environment? Click through and find out which cities have the most bridges, and learn of the location of the place they call the "Bridge Capital of the World."
Plane with 10 onboard reported missing in Alaska
A plane traveling over Alaska, from Unalakleet to Nome, is missing. The aircraft, carrying nine passengers and one pilot, was reported missing on February 6 and has still not been found. The Bering Air Caravan is a widely used, single-engine propeller plane. It took off at 6:37 pm (EST), and Alaska State Troopers received reports at around 8 pm that it was overdue. An extensive search has been taking place ever since. This is the third aviation incident to take place in the US in eight days. On January 29, an American Airlines plane and an Army Black Hawk helicopter collided, killing 67 people. Then, just two days later, a medical transportation plane crashed in Philadelphia, killing six people onboard and one on the ground. Alaska has experienced small plane accidents in the past, especially during winter, when the weather can make flying challenging—but it’s not the only place where suspicious disappearances have taken place. Click through this gallery to see the places people mysteriously keep disappearing from.
Delicious culinary traditions recognized by UNESCO
When we think of UNESCO World Heritage initiatives, images of ancient buildings, monuments, and other centuries-old structures usually spring to mind. But did you know that numerous foods and culinary traditions are also recognized by the United Nations agency? They appear on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, with "intangible culture" seen as something to celebrate and safeguard. In a culinary context, this includes festivals, social rituals, oral heritage, production and harvesting techniques, and, of course, deliciously inventive gastronomic traditions. Click through and digest this gallery of food and drink recognized by UNESCO.